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United States of America

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Tune in

Bösendorfer Salon Vienna

Bösendorferstraße 12, Musikverein
(Entrance Canovagasse 4), 1010 Vienna, AT
+43 1 505 35 18 0

Opening Hours
Monday till Friday
10:00 - 18:00 o'clock

Bösendorfer Manufactory

L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH
Gymelsdorfer Gasse 42
2700 Wiener Neustadt, AT
+43 2622 2753 0

UID: ATU14997404

Bösendorfer Service

Bösendorfer Service Center
Schleiergasse 20
1100 Vienna, AT
+43 1 505 29 48 127

Data Protection Agreement

 By using our website and contacting us via our online infrastructure you agree that your data is electronically processed by L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH, our dealers and distribution partners to offer you customized information about or products and services. For this purpose your data can be transmitted to the relevant distribution area, partner or dealer within our sales network. We would like to highlight that we do not - by any means - distribute or publish any data you share with us outside our very own commercial network. Naturally, we do rely on online services and tools (e.g. Google Analytics) to offer you the optimal web experience. If you object to any of the above please contact us at L. Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH, Gymelsdorfer Gasse 42, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, keyword: data protection. Unfortunately, no further assistance online and information can be provided electronically to you.